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The Healer’s Healer*

What is Medical Intuitive Healing?

Medical Intuitive Healers are able to see / feel underlying emotional and spiritual causes for disease. For healing to occur, the initial cause needs to be identified and effectively cleared.

This modality varies from practitioner to practitioner; however, it can be an effective therapy, clearing the way for healing to take place.

Why do Healers need Healing?

Every single person is a Healer – it’s whether they are aware of it or not.  For some, they quietly heal their families or themselves behind closed doors whereas others are healers within their communities. 

Many Healers tell me that they are experts in protection.  They truly believe that they are effective in protecting themselves, but this is often far from the truth. 

Healers are generally the most caring people – it matters to them to help their clients – there is a purpose in what they do.  They often work selflessly, without glamour or the need to be put up on a pedestal.  There is an unspoken dedication to do good. 

Imagine that you are being depended upon to truly help someone in their hour of need.  Healers step up and do their best to free their client from whatever burdens they are carrying.  But it is their determination to help and their selflessness that can bring the Healer undone just a little bit. 

Every so often a client will come along and the Healer invests that little bit more – it’s natural and again, the Healer has another little pull of a thread in their esoteric armour.  Before long, there are holes in that armour that harm the Healer – often without their knowing or being aware of this. 

Negative entities and Demonic spirits can hitchhike on unsuspecting Healers, they love the chance to grab hold of a caring person who has a weakness in their armour.  The hard part is that often the entities camouflage themselves so well, that the Healer (or their client) has no idea that they are there. 

Negative entities wreak havoc in in various ways, leading to illness, communication breakdowns, business problems and generally affecting all aspects of that person’s life.